
aircycle ONE Single Room Heat Recovery

Improve indoor quality with the Brookvent Aircycle ONE Single Room Heat Recovery System. This ultra quiet unit offers all the benefits of heat recovery, with the added benefits of being suitable for retrofit applications and for single room usage rather than household-wide.

With very low running costs (costing around £5 GBP annually for continuous operation on slow speed), the Aircycle ONE will ensure the removal of indoor pollutants and prevent condensation and mould in your room, ensuring a healthier and more comfortable environment for all inhabitants. 

This continuously running, low-energy alternate flow supply and extract fan, with heat recovery, is perfect for usage in habitable areas including your bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, basements, and hallways. An energy-efficient integral regenerative heat exchanger, it offers up to 82% efficiency and a unique, flat front cover for modern interior design and ease of cleaning.

From £31.90

SKU: 90-CYC-ONE-100

BROOKVENT aircycle ONE is a continuous running, low energy, ultra-quiet, alternate flow supply and extract fan with heat recovery for use in habitable areas such as living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms, basements and hallways.

Core features include:

  • Extremely low power consumption costs around GPB 5 a year to run
    for continuous operation on low speed.
  • Energy efficient Integral Regenerative Heat Exchanger with
    up to 82% efficiency.
  • Unique design winglet-type impeller, providing enhanced aerodynamic
    properties, low noise and increased efficiency.
  • Aesthetic flat front cover for modern interior design, easily
    removable for cleaning without the need of tools.
  • Each model comes with 3 different airflow settings.
  • IPX4 protection.
  • Optional user controller which can control up to 10 units
    allowing selection of off/ speed 1/speed 2/speed 3/extract
    or supply only.



  • aircycle ONE+ Single Room Heat Recovery With Remote Controller

    The Brookvent Aircycle ONE+ is a single room heat recovery system, with a remote controller. This continuously running, low-energy alternate flow supply and extract fan, with heat recovery, is the perfect way to make the air in your home healthier and more comfortable. 

    The continuous running decentralised heat recovery units of Aircycle ONE + transfer the thermal energy from the air in your indoor rooms to incoming fresh air Two units can be synchronised with balanced air flows, controlled through the same IR controller. No air distribution system is needed.

    With a two year guarantee and retrofit capacity, this ultra-quiet unit removes indoor pollutants and prevents condensation and mould. Each model also comes with 5 different airflow settings.

    With amazingly low running costs of around £5GBP per annum (on continuous operation, at slow speed), this unit offers up to 82% efficiency, a sleek aesthetic, and also the benefit of a multifunction remote controller with LCD display, to visualise the status of the unit.