With energy prices seemingly on an ever-increasing upward trend, building owners are more aware than ever of the need to provide energy-efficient heating solutions. We recognise the significance of efficient heating systems that not only provide warmth but also contribute to energy savings.
In addition to energy efficiency, the growing awareness of the health benefits of adequate fresh air has made carefully controlled ventilation a necessity. We recognise the significance of maintaining optimal indoor air quality for the well-being of building occupants.
Biddle offers a wide range of heating products, including various sizes and styles of units. Some of the benefits of choosing Biddle Heating and Ventilation include:
- Quick heat-up time: Biddle’s systems provide fast and efficient heating, ensuring a comfortable environment in no time.
- Good distribution of heat: Biddle prioritises even heat distribution, eliminating cold spots and ensuring consistent warmth throughout the space.
- Individual control: Biddle solutions allow for individual control, enabling users to tailor the heating settings according to their preferences.
Flexibility to cater to changes in office space: We understand that office layouts can evolve over time with the need for partitions or reconfigurations. Our solutions are designed to be flexible, adapting to changing office environments without compromising performance.

INNOVAIR Fresh Air Fan Convector
- Natural ventilation capability
- Control of space temperature using LPHW
- Controlled volumes of fresh air, heated as necessary using LPHW

Comfort Circle
- Space saving and discreet
- Low energy EC fan motor
- Suitable for lower water temperatures
- Option to re-utilise residual waste heat

- Quick heat up with generous heating distribution
- Quick and simple The unit can be changed on site
- Horizontal coil header allows angled valves to be fitted

- Low surface temperature – no greater than 43°C
- Twice the heat output of an equivalent sized LST radiator
- Quick heat up
- Good heat distribution

FORCEFLOW CB Fan Convector
- High output despite low water temperatures
- Quick heat up
- Good heat distribution
- Simple to install
- Various control options